Guest Author: Amy Andrews

My guest today is one of the most versatile authors I know. She’s a USA Today best-selling, double RITA nominee and multi-award winning author who’s written everything from sexy contemporary romances and medical romances for Harlequin Mills & Boon, to hot sports romances (try her “Sydney Smoke Rugby” novels from Entangled Publishing and her “Women of War” for Escape Publishing), small town romances, quirky suspense romances...and the list goes on.

Her novels are epic emotional reads; her heroines take no prisoners and are always capable of putting the hero firmly in his place; and I  know that readers have commented that sex must exist just for this author to write about because she does it so well! 

Honestly, her books have elicited an entire range of emotions in me as I've read them - from laugh-out-loud quirky to pass-the-tissue-box teary. Obviously I Iove her stories, but one that stands out in my mind is a 2013 Harlequin Mills & Boon title, "The Most Expensive Night of Her Life" because part of me fell quite in love with her hero who was a veteran with a prosthetic leg. 

As well as our love of the romance genre, she and I were both born in Rockhampton, Central Queensland. 

Welcome, Amy Andrews to today’s quick quizzing!

Thanks so much Alyssa – it’s a small world, isn’t it?

It is! Your sister is also an author, so there are at least three romance authors Rockhampton has produced!

First up, I have to say that I’m super impressed at the way you write so many flavours of romance so successfully. Your nursing background obviously equips you very well to write medical romances, but how much and what sort of research goes into all your other stories eg. the sports series?

The first thing to know about me is I’m a lazy researcher which is why I could never write historical and stick to contemporary. I try to do the least amount of research as possible and have no idea how people ever did it before the internet was a thing. For my sports research I’m very lucky to have had the help of 2 great guys I know, who are seriously into all things sports and one has a particular inroad in rugby so it’s been brilliant.

Is there a sub-genre in romance that you haven’t written yet but plan to write?

Hmm.  Contemporary is pretty much my wheel house – from medicals to cowboys, from international glamour to small towns, from quirky to laugh out loud funny to ugly cry all over your shirt. And very very sexy of course. I can’t see myself ever writing crime or sci-fi for example but, I have to admit, I do have a zombie apocalypse romcom in my head at the moment that’s a little left of field... And I did write Limbo a few years back which was a weird paranormal-lite, P.I./ mystery/urban family thing that was so far left of field it was on the other side of the planet! So never say never!

Can you tell us about your most recent story and whether it held any particular challenges for you?

The most recent story I’ve written is called Nothing But Trouble and is an American small town romcom which is going out in mass market paperback in the US in May next year.  Writing all American characters in an all American setting freaked me out a little because I usually have at least one Aussie character in a non-Australian set book so I’m not totally out of my depth. Writing American sounding characters when you’re not from there is a real challenge and you sure as hell don’t want to screw it up! The setting was another challenge. Until July, I’ve never been to eastern Colorado, so I had to rely on the internet and hope I got it right. I think I did ☺ Having US based (Colorado based, actually) beta readers was very handy.

Great you had those beta readers!
What’s next for you as an author?

I have the last two rugby books to write and I’m going to write a DARE for Harlequin as my NANOWRIMO project this year.  I’ve just started another single title which is currently called “the bunny book” which I’m also excited about! Am excited, too, to be a signing author at the West Coast Fiction Festival in Perth in November.

The Perth festival sounds like fun. Enjoy! I'll be there in 2019 at the November book signing.

I was interested to know that you’ve moved back to your Central Queensland roots and had a true sea change in moving to Yeppoon. How are you enjoying it?

I am LOVING it! I can’t explain how happy it makes me to see the ocean every day. This is truly my happy place! ☺

You can find out more about Amy and her many, many titles at:

Thanks for visiting the blogsite today! Please join me next Saturday September 1st for Australian author, Melanie Milburne. Until then, Happy Reading!

Best wishes,
Alyssa J. Montgomery


About the Blogger:
Alyssa J. Montgomery is an Australian contemporary romance author who is published by Escape Publishing (Harlequin Enterprises, Australia). She also 
writes medieval romance as Alyssa James,



  1. Woohoo Hi Amy and Alyssa

    great interview I do love your stories Amy they always bring out so much emotion :)

    Have Fun


    1. Hi Helen, thanks for visiting!
      Lovely to see you last week. Sorry I had to scoot away in a hurry to make it to the Harlequin authors party.

  2. Hi Helen and thanks for your lovely words! Thanks for having me Alyssa!


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