Guest Author: Pippa Roscoe
My guest author today lives in Norfolk in the UK but has attended two Romance Writers of Australia conferences in Melbourne. The first time she attended she wore an editorial hat, representing Harlequin Mills & Boon and taking pitches from romance authors who aspired to be published in a Mills & Boon line. This year, she came as an established romance author who now writes “passionate, sexy, powerful Mills & Boon romances with Happy-Ever-Afters, always”! I was fortunate enough to meet Pippa Roscoe at her first RWA at a Harlequin author’s cocktail party, where I mentioned I had been reading stories from the Presents line since my teens. Pippa asked me to send her three chapters. Now, because I was busy writing my medieval romances and contemporary romances for Escape Publishing, it took a while for me to get the chapters to her. I still can’t believe that she took the time out of her very busy last day as an editor at Harlequin Mills & Boon to send...