Guest Author: Michelle Douglas
My guest author today is a fellow Australian who has written twenty-six novels for Harlequin Romance. After completing a major in English, she returned to university and obtained a Masters of Philosophy in Creative Writing and is currently working on a PhD. Along the way, she’s had several different jobs including one which definitely fitted into the romance theme—waitressing at a wedding convention centre. Despite her many novels, I must confess that while I’ve long been aware of her name, Michelle Douglas is a fairly new-to-me-author. Although I don’t tend to be a voracious reader of the Harlequin Romance line, upon the recommendation of a friend, I bought Michelle’s ‘A Baby in His In-Tray’ last year and loved it so much I went on to purchase Michelle’s ‘The Million Pound Marriage Deal’. Now, I’m looking forward to the next release and, when time permits, working my way through her backlist. Michelle, welcome to the blog today. It’s lovely to have you as my guest and congratula...